In the course of designing Cypher, our home-brewed cryptoken infrastructure, I have witnessed the emergence of a new generation of cryptocurrency designs I can name 4th generation cryptocurrencies owing my lack of imagination in naming things, but also because a
Revised Code Size Estimates for Examachine Releases
This post is in reference to Celestial Intellect Cybernetics’s AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) Platform called Examachine. Examachine’s core is a “parallel AGI kernel” which presents a generic programming API implementing parallel incremental general-purpose machine learning algorithms for heterogeneous supercomputers, and
ANN: parallpairs

Parallel all-pairs similarity search algorithms in OCaml Sources Git repository —> The repository contains the 1.0 sources, a release will be made soon. Citation If you use this code, please cite the following paper. It is currently under review
examachine has 22 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub. Source: examachine (Eray Özkural) I just uploaded a bunch of free software projects to github. Some of them were on google code, which was terminated by google. You may
An extensive post on translating between OCaml Scheme and Haskell
translating between OCaml Scheme and Haskell. Ah, I just stumbled on this page while searching for what people use for a composition operator in O’Caml. It gives a comprehensive guide to translating among these languages.
Non-blocking MPI calls for O’Caml
I think O’Caml is a great language for parallel algorithm development. I have written two parallel codes in O’Caml, one is my AI system called the examachine, and the other is a parallel information-retrieval code which I cannot specify yet