I was making a selection of quotes that I truly adore, and this came out: “We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself”― Carl Sagan “If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create
Inspirational Quotes for the AI Hacker

I was making a selection of quotes that I truly adore, and this came out: “We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself”― Carl Sagan “If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create
This is the short story of how I became an AI hacker, or how I came to realize I had become one. I have felt some people tell varieties of my story as if their own, so I thought you
This film is merely bad science fiction, nothing more. Sure, we could build such bots, but the scenario is absurd. Would banning any kind of weapon control system prevent terrorists from using it? That itself is a basic error of
Here is yesterday’s presentation to Türk Bilişim Vakfı (Turkish Informatics Foundation) titled AI Revolution that merges some insights from previous papers and talks with some new bits thrown in. In this presentation, I examine the revolutionary changes that the
AI doomsayer charlatans (such as Eliezer Yudkowsky, Nick Bostrom, Elon Musk and their various minions and shills) have been spreading Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt about the AGI field for over 7 years, and it is time to reveal what they
I witness with amazement how the common village folk find the oddly smart actor Jim Carrey’s denouncement of the Platonic ideal of Self and Personhood. Jim Carrey, it seems, has reached a philosophical level of consciousness occupied seldomly by actors,
This post is in reference to Celestial Intellect Cybernetics’s AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) Platform called Examachine. Examachine’s core is a “parallel AGI kernel” which presents a generic programming API implementing parallel incremental general-purpose machine learning algorithms for heterogeneous supercomputers, and
The third installation of the ultimate intelligence series was submitted to AGI-2017. Unfortunately, it was not received very well by the reviewers whom found fault with my paraphrasing of the conclusions of Karl Friston’s free energy principle research program. Here
The combination of simulation argument and existential AI risk nonsense can be aptly described as new age creationism. Claiming that AGI technology will destroy “humanity” with 20-30% probability was a rather comical maneuver by the arch-creationist Bostrom. I understand that
In recent posts, I haphazardly introduced some taxonomical terms when speaking about labor automation. Here are some classification dimensions we may use. low/high intelligence-intensive task: A task may demand a low degree of intelligent thinking to solve a problem, or